OK...figured this out Declare Function SECNABAddCertificate Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "SECNABAddCertificate" _ (ByVal hNote As Long, ByVal Cert As string, ByVal CertSize As Long, ByVal ReservedFlags As Long, ByVal pReserved As long) As Integer Dim note As Long Dim fp As integer Dim certsize As Long Dim cert As Variant ' get handle on the Notes document note = doc.handle
' open the cer file and read it into the buffer fp% = FreeFile() Open fileName For Binary As fp% certsize = FileLen(fileName) cert = Input(certsize, fp%)
' call C API function to import the cert importCert = SECNABAddCertificate(note, cert, certsize, 0, 0)
' close the cer file Close fp%