Sorry, the code should be as follows; ------------CODE------------ Type TIMEDATE Innard1 As Long Innard2 As Long End Type Type DBREPLICAINFO ID As TIMEDATE flags As Integer CutoffInterval As Integer Cutoff As TIMEDATE End Type Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbOpen" ( Byval dbName As String, hDb As Long) As Integer Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbClose" ( Byval hDb As Long) As Integer Declare Function W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoGet Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet"(Byval hDB As Long, retReplicationInfo As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer Declare Function W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoSet"(Byval hDB As Long, retReplicationInfo As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer Declare Function W32_OSLockObject Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "OSLockObject" ( Byval handle) As Long Declare Sub OSUnlockObject Lib "NNOTES.DLL" Alias "OSUnlockObject" (Byval handle) Declare Sub W32_OSMemFree Lib "NNOTES.DLL" Alias "OSMemFree" (Byval handle) Class NotesReplicationSettings
Private hDb As Long Private retReplicationInfo As DBREPLICAINFO Private prvdb As NotesDatabase Private flgDBExist As Integer
Sub Delete If hDb <> 0 Then Call W32_NSFDbClose(hDb) End Sub
Sub New (inpNotesDatabase As NotesDatabase)
Dim sDatabase As String Dim uaesession As New notessession Dim rc As Integer
Me.flgDBExist = False
'Get a valid NotesDatabase to the specified database If inpNotesDatabase Is Nothing Then Error 14104, "NotesUserActivity: Database Object is invalid" Exit Sub End If
Set prvdb = New NotesDatabase(inpNotesDatabase.Server, inpNotesDatabase.FilePath)
If (prvdb.Server = "") Or (uaesession.IsOnServer) Then sdatabase = prvdb.filepath Else sdatabase = prvdb.server + "!!" + prvdb.filepath End If
'Open the target database rc = W32_NSFDbOpen(sDatabase,Me.hDb) If rc <> 0 Then Me.flgDBExist = False End If
'Set the Replica information rc = W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoGet(Me.hDb, Me.retReplicationInfo) If rc <> 0 Then Me.flgDBExist = False End If Me.flgDBExist = True End Sub
Public Function DBExist As Integer DBExist = Me.flgDBExist End Function
Public Function Parent As NotesDatabase Set Parent = prvdb End Function
Public Function SetDisableReplica(sFlag As Integer) As Integer Dim puActivity As Long
If Not Me.flgDBExist Then Error 14104, "Notes DB not opened" SetDisableReplica = False Exit Function End If
Print Me.retReplicationInfo.flags
'REPLFLG_DISABLE 0x0004 or &h4 (Temporarily disable replication) Me.retReplicationInfo.flags = (Me.retReplicationInfo.flags Or Not &h4)
rc = W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet(Me.hDb, Me.retReplicationInfo) If rc <> 0 Then Me.flgDBExist = False End If
End Function End Class