Hi Johnny, What I meant about answers was more that if you post an answer in the forum, you'd rather also remind me about it by email as may not always check the forum regularly. As for you question what you are doing is generally right. The item type may be either TYPE_ACTION for $Actions items or TYPE_COMPOSITE for rich text items. I do not remember the values by heart -- I think TYPE_COMPOSITE=1 and TYPE_ACTION=16 Do not know when you get 0. The structure of CD records is rather straightforward afterwards. There are 3 types of records, so you can alway check the record type byte and decide which one is used, then check signature to see if you need this record and finally the record length - it depends on the record type -- it could be byte, word or dword length record that follows the signature. Not very simple, nut not exceptionally hard either. Check the C API reference - it is clearly explained there. I hope this helps (I'd appreciate if you post the question in forum so any answer could benefit others having the same problem) regards Normunds