var thisDB="web/ls2capi/ls2capihome.nsf"; function checkKey(event) { var isNav4=false; var isIE4=false; // find browser type and version if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("4.")>=0) { if(navigator.appName=="Netscape") { isNav4=true; } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { isIE4=true; } } // use the appropriate event property for the detected browser if (isNav4) { if ( event.which == "13" ) { return false; } } if (isIE4) { if ( event.keyCode=="13" ) { return false; } } } function doSearch(vw) { var x = document.forms[0].Query.value; if (x=="") {alert("Query string empty! \nPlease enter search string before proceeding!");} else { vwName = vw ? vw:"vwhAllHelps"; window.location="/" + thisDB + "/" + vwName + "?SearchView&Query=" + escape(x);} } // doSearch var isNN4 = document.layers ? true : false; var isIE5 = document.all ? true : false; if (isNN4) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS); document.onKeyPress=allezy; function allez() { if (checkKey(event)==false) {doSearch(); return false;} else return true; } // allez function allezy(event) { if (checkKey(event)==false) {doSearch(); return false;} else return true; } // allezy